Melee Battle, 4/6

Stage One: Stand and be Counted!

In order for a hero to be truly ready for battle, each must practice techniques over a long period of time. To that end, each week there will be battles, be they face-to-face or, through sorcery, far removed in space and time. All must participate in the melee to turn knowledge into skills, but as advanced questers, you are all capable. Melee battles will happen each week and will be conducted live or through the magic of Blackboard.

This week we meet live in conclave, so our melee will be done there. YOU MUST capture an image of your presence in Adobe Connect during this week's class in order to master this quest!

See the Readings & Participation spell sheet in the Spell Sheets section for more details on how this will be managed and graded.

Stage 2: Let your presence be known!

Were you present in conclave this week? If so, claim your reward here now!

Stage 3: Show Me the Gold!

Upload your screenshot of the Attendee Log showing your name to claim final XP here!